
In July of 2017 a group of people, with a vision and a desire to worship God, having nothing in the form of possessions to conduct church activities, but were rich in confidence/ faith in the true and living God, met at Jefferson station in West Jefferson NC.
After honest open-hearted discussion and fervent prayer, the statement was made, “If it is not the will of God for this to be and to prosper, that He/God would kill it before it even starts”. A vote among the attendees was taken and unanimously it was decided to precede.

The church needed a name Divine Hope Baptist Church was chosen.
The church needed a mission statement, to obtain this statement the two-part question was asked. What would our objective be/what would our purpose be?
To that question the mission statement of; “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” was adopted as the mission statement.

In September of 2017 David Blevins was elected pastor of Divine Hope Baptist Church.
The church continued to grow in spirit and in number. Soon it was realized that we were out of room and needed a place to grow and an identity. God was asked if we may have land and a building to grow and to worship, so long as we keep the mission “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” prominent in whatever we set out to do.

Early spring of 2018 God provided 4 acres of land in Jefferson NC. Late spring/early fall of 2018, God paid it off, “TO GOD BE THE GLORY”, grading for the building started shortly thereafter. The summer of 2019 erection of the church building began, exciting to see!!! Spring of 2020 COVID-19 hit, stay at home orders were issued, but “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” construction was allowed to continue, God is GOOD!!! On July 17th of 2020 we had our first worship service in the new sanctuary which God allowed us to have.

Since our beginning in 2017, precious souls have been added to the Kingdom of God thru Jesus Christ, the Halloween tradition now gets bible tracts, families have received food, clothing, necessities, toys, and most of all the WORD OF GOD.
God has provided abundantly, He says in, Matthew 10: 8. “feely ye have received, freely give”. Thru obedience to Him, hearts have been changed and lives strengthened.

The basis of our faith:

II Peter 2: 20. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Genesis – Revelation is the WORD of God.

We believe:

  • In the infallible, verbal inspiration of the entire Bible, the genesis account of creation. Genesis 1:1
  • The Trinity: Father, Son, and The Holy Ghost. I John 5
  • The virgin birth, the sinless life, the humanity, the crucifixion, the death, & the resurrection of, Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  • The calling out of the church (Rapture), and the second coming of Christ are two separate events. I Thessalonians 4, Zechariah 14, Revelation 1.
  • In baptism by immersion. Matthew 3:13
  • The eternal home of unrighteousness/sin is hell/lake of fire, Revelation 20, The eternal home of the righteous is heaven, John 14
  • Salvation is by grace thru faith in Jesus Christ, plus nothing, minus nothing, whereby we are sealed by the Holy Spirit of God until the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30

God has provided us multiple ways to get the gospel out. We now have in person worship in the sanctuary, Live streamed to TV in the fellowship hall for social distancing, Live stream to your device/computer in the privacy of your home, You can come to our parking lot, tune in to 87.7 FM and listen live from the comfort of your vehicle. We give God the praise.

May God continue to be edified, Jesus proclaimed thru preaching and witnessing teaching of His WORD. There is amazing power in the true WORD of God. Good, Honest, Pure, food will produce strong sheep.

May God bless, come visit if and when you can, we look forward to worshipping with you.

In Christ,
Divine Hope Baptist Church
